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Angela Davy Du Toit
Finished Artist
Angela graduated from Cape College as a Graphic Designer with honours. To stretch her knowledge, she then did an intensive Desk Top Publishing course at Hirt & Carter.
Angela gained a lot of her print knowledge at a repro house specialising in producing Flexographic Pre-press plates. After learning all she could about this printing process, Angela found her home at M&A Design where she has been for the last 13 years. Here we use all Angela’s extensive knowledge of design, print, reproduction, colour retouching and photo editing.
When Angela is not here, she’s running a home and making sure her two young sons and two Boston Terriers don’t create too much havoc. Good luck with that, Angela! She also dabbles in oils from time to time.
M&A Imagineers (PTY) Ltd. © 2016
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